Starting in May 2019, The Urban Village opened the doors of its culturally relevant community space for community-led programs. With bamboo walls, artifacts, a mural, and art the Urban Village promotes cultural heritage and preservation in its very being. Sharing this space and our resources with community-led programming gives these programs and their leaders fertile soil to grow, launching them beyond what they would have been able to accomplish without Village support.
our Story
Our mission is
"To empower emerging generations of Knyaw and Karenni youth to connect, heal, and launch"
At The Urban Village, we know our mission requires a village. We hope that you'll Join ours. Eh Pah Doh (Big Love).
Jesse Phenow, Co Executive Director
Jesse was first introduced to the Karen community in 2011 when he was paired with a recently resettled family of 9. Growing in kinship with this family, Jesse soon became an active ally of the Karen community. He became a supporting partner of Karen-led initiatives, art, celebrations, programs, etc. within the local Karen community in St. Paul. Jesse Founded The Urban Village alongside the community in 2019. In the last 10 years, he has strengthened relationships with Karen communities locally and globally.
Contact Jesse: urbanvillage.mn@gmail.com
Ku Hser, Co-Executive Director
Ku spent most of his early life in Mae La Refugee camp He resettled to the United States by himself in 2008, starting in Minnesota. He became heavily involved in the Karen Baptist Conference as a regional youth leader. In 2021 he graduated from Century College where he graduated with a Creative Arts: Video and Film making degree. In 2020 he started the Sound of Thumweh, a global Karen Singing completion that had over 200 entries. Additionally, Ku is the Co-Executive Director for the Urban Village. He leads and produces SOFT TV, a TV program that airs out of the Urban Village that seeks to educate, entertain, and inspire Karen people globally.
Contact Ku: urbanvillage.ku@gmail.com
Tu Lor Eh Paw, Program Manager
Tu Lor is a formal refugee from Thailand. She was born and raised in a small village of KawThooLei. In 2011, her family resettled to Saint Paul, Minnesota. Since then, she's been a champion for higher education in the Karen community. She loves her Karen root and would do anything to preserve that piece of herself. Tu Lor finds comfort in helping her people in whatever capacity she can. She is a daughter, an aunt, a mentor, and many other things. Most important of all, she is proud to call herself K'Nyaw.
Contact Tu: urbanvillagr.tu@gmail.com
Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff via email, call, or text. We're excited to hear from you! Eh Pah Doh!