K'nyaw Martyrs Day
ဩ ၀၆၊ စနေ
|HealthEast Sports Center Red Fields
Join us for a day of remembrance and celebration of those whom have given so much for freedom and justice for Karen people in Myanmar.

Time & Location
၂၀၂၂၊ ဩ ၀၆ ၀၇:၀၀ – ၂၀၂၂၊ ဩ ၀၇ ၂၁:၀၀
HealthEast Sports Center Red Fields, 4200 Pioneer Dr, Woodbury, MN 55129
About the event
The Urban Village, Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM), and the Karen Community of Minnesota (KCM) invite you to join in solidarity and attend the annual Karen Martyrs’ Day Festival taking place from 7:00am to 8:30pm on August 6h and 7th, 2022 at M Health Fairview Sports Center in Woodbury.
Karen Martyrs’ Day is an opportunity to reflect on the history of the Karen people and honor the men and women who have guided and given their lives to the struggle for freedom and democracy in Myanmar. This occasion consists of a 32 team soccer tournament (drawing international attendance), volleyball and Caneball tournaments, food vendors and a community fair, art tent, and a concert featuring Karen musicians from around the globe. Our event emphasizes community connectedness, health and healing, and a launching for our emerging generations.